Symbolon: an astrological Tarot game

Symbolon: an astrological Tarot game


Symbolon: an astrological Tarot game - Tres Mancias Consultancy

A deck to explore archetypes according to Junguian psychism.

Symbolon cover - Urania Ed.Made in 1983, images include an astrological and also a psychological expression according to Carl Gustav Jung's psychoanalytic theories. Each card represents an inner personality, behaviour and motives, in a deck meant to symbolize twelve personalities equivalent to astrological archetypes, along with all of their combinations. A card is assigned to each Zodiac's sign (12 major arcana), and the same for each planetary relation (66 minor cards).

  1. Deck's details
  2. Use of the Deck
  3. Zodiacal Signs
  4. Major Arcana
  5. Minor Cards
  6. Archetypes & Symbols

I. Deck's characteristics

The authors, Peter Orban and Ingrid Zinnel, counted on Thea Weller's painting art to design 78 cards of 3.14" x 4.92" (there's also a pocket edition of 2.31" x 3.57"). They're not numbered but a manual coming along with them indicates the associated archetype. Instead of numbers, cards hold within astrological symbols of signs and planets.

Designs include several types of elements: scenes of Europeen lifestyle, religious components, mythical Greek figures and even characters from traditional story tales, like Pied Piper and The Sleeping Beauty. Although some specific cards include or allude to Eros, Moiras, Pythia and The Furies, Mnemosyne is the main mythical figure.

Cards display shadows frequently, which specially point out where the deck's spirit can be found. Mnemosyne ("memory" in Greek) is the mother of Muses, and the name of the card representing Cancer - Sagittarius relation, or Moon and Jupiter, memory and consciousness. The deck's spirit is for inner development, private exploration, and the authors don't think of it as a predictive game: cards were made to call the memories of different personalities living inside of Jungian psychism. Those personalities are deduced from signs, planets and their relations. Symbolon precisely refers to synthetize the conscious experience with what remains separated, by remembering symbols inside of the collective memory, so the unconscious becomes conscious (what is repressed, denied, projected, splitted off).

Besides the archetypical reference, cards also include several background elements, some of them decorative, some others of an evokative functioning. For instance, Strategist shows a man with a chess board (the archetype belongs to Mercury's double rulership, Gemini - Virgo relation). The man seems to count on six eyes, although he doesn't look at the board with any of them. His two main eyes are more closed than opened, his glasses are too down to focus sight through them, and eyebrows seem like two arched eyes looking straightforwards although with a sad expression. His strategy doesn't seem too benefitial, if considering the planet is usually associated to mind and intelligence. Maybe the card calls the trickster, as the archetype playing tricks and hoaxes, although in a game that is not played. Strategist seems to be playing with major cards' archetypes: Mediator (Gemini), Mother (Cancer), King (Leo) and Servant (Virgo). At his feet, under the table, the opposites: Preacher (Sagittarius), Master (Capricorn), Jester (Aquarius) and Angel (Pisces), which are joined by Seducer (Scorpio), although only Seducer and Angel have not fallen.

Another characteristic calling the attention is that several cards associated to Pluto include background elements to add to the archetype's reading. They're fictional or realistic elements, of complete or partial shapes. Abortion (Moon - Pluto, or Cancer - Scorpio) includes two cold witnesses of an already born baby (which is a murder rather than an abortion). Disaster (Venus in Libra - Pluto) is characterized by two disrtusful figures although connected by a dominating figure grabring them both from behind with its claws. Depression (Saturn - Pluto, or Capricorn - Scorpio) holds within a man inside of a cave, and is complemented by a headless figure, another one hanged by the neck, and the subliminal image of a horned animal hanging from one of the walls, like a hunt trophy.

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II. Use of the deck

The deck comes along with an explanatory manual describing each card for a 3-card reading: a problem (initial position), the way out of the problem (middle position), and a result (final position). Questions may be related to specific situations or events, relationships or more generic subjects. A table at the end of the article lists the forms acquired by the most usual archetypes.

Since each card also includes astrological symbols, archetypes may symbolize birth chart! Major cards have a sign and ruler, and minor ones two signs and rulers (signs always at the top, planets always at the bottom). Houses and aspects may also be considered. Risign sign's and Midheaven's rulers are the most important ones and, among aspects, the most exact ones are the strongest.

Mandala of Houses

Composed by 12 archetypes by overlapping the birth chart to the Zodiac at rest. At rest, signs and houses are considered to be in natural relations. Aries is the Ist House (initiative), Taurus the 2nd House (wealth), Gemini the 3rd one (communication), Cancer the 4th one (home), Leo the 5th one (creativity), Virgo the 6th one (rutines, service), Libra the VIIth one (couple), Scorpio the VIIIth one (death), Sagittarius the IXth one (purpose), Capricorn the Xth one (society), Aquarius the XIth one (friendship), and Pisces the XIIth one (retirement).
The archetype of each house is identified by gathering the house at rest with the sign that house is on the birth chart. The chart's rising sign is always the 1st House. For instance: with Gemini rising, 2nd House (Taurus) is in Cancer. The archetype of wealth is Two Faces of Eve.

Place of a Planet

Gather the sign it rules with the sign of the natural house associated to the house it is on the birth chart. For instance: with Pluto in Aquarius in the XIIth House, gather Scorpio (Pluto) & Pisces (XIIth House). The person's retirement is characterized by False Halo.

Function of a Planet

Gather the sign of the planet on the birth chart with the sign it rules. For instance: with Pluto in Aquarius in the XIIth House, gather Aquarius & Scorpio (Pluto). Pluto works under the form of the Phoenix.

Analyzing a Planet

Gather the sign of the planet on the birth chart, with the sign of the natural sign corresponding to the house where it is placed in. For instance: with Pluto in Aquarius in the XIIth House, gather Aquarius with Pisces (XII). The Phoenix (Pluto's function) is analyzed through the lens of the Grail.

Influence of Asc & Planets

Find the chart's ruler or choose a planet of interest, and make a list of the aspects. Then focus on every aspect, one by one.
There are different types of aspects. Conjunctions (0°) are of a Solar kind, and are associated to Leo. Sextiles (60°) are of a Venusian kind, associated to Taurus and Libra. Noviles (40°) are of a Martial kind, associated to Aries. Squares (90°) are of a Saturnine kind, associated to Capricorn. Trines (120°) are of Jupiterine kind, associated to Sagittarius. Finally, oppositions (180°) are of a Lunar kind, associated to Cancer.
Once the aspect is chosen, gather the sign associated to the type of aspect with the sign ruled by the other planet of the aspect. For instance: if interested in the Sun's influence, and Sun - Venus sextile is chosen, gather Taurus (sextile's sign) with the two signs ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra). There will be several archetypes symbolizing the Sun's influence produced through Venus. One of them will emerge under the form of the Lover (Taurus & Taurus), another one will emerge as Golden Cage (Taurus & Libra) and a third Sun's influence will be expressed like Couple (Libra & Libra).

Birth Chart's Dialectics

This is a way to understand the birth chart in the terms of the 3-card spread: there's a problem, a way out (solution) and a result. The problem is the rising sign (Asc). The way out is pointed out by the Sun's sign. And the result is expressed by Midheaven's sign (MC). For instance: with Gemini rising, Mercury in the IVth House, Sun in Leo in the IIIrd one, MC in Taurus in the Xth one, and Venus in Gemini (MC's ruler), the problem emerges as the Mediator, the synthesis work is in charge of the King, and the result takes the form of the Lover.
As it happens with planets, each archetype is expressed in a specific place, and works in a specific way. The Mediator is a problem at home (Asc's ruler in the IVth H) who is expressed as Articulation (Gemini & Cancer: Asc's sign gathered with the sign of the natural house where the ruler is at). The problem functions as a King (Sun in Leo's archetype) under the form of an Actor (Gemini & Leo: Asc's sign gathered with the Sun's sign).
The King is the way to solve the problem, and is present where the person finds communication (Sun's house: III) under the form of an Actor (Leo & Gemini; Leo is always gathered with the sign of the natural house where the Sun is at; the IIIrd one corresponds to Gemini). Along the way, the King will always work as the King (Leo & Leo; Leo always gathered with the Sun's sign, Leo).
Finally, the solution or product emerges as the Lover, who finds expression in social areas (where the MC is at; Xth H corresponds to Capricorn), although working as the Golden Girl (Taurus & Gemini: MC's sign gathered with the sign where the ruler is in; Venus rules Taurus, and is in Gemini).

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III. Zodiacal Signs

Find below a brief list of the signs's characteristics alluded to by the deck, along with the astrological symbols included in cards designs. [Click on the sign to go to the major arcana assigned to it, or on the planet to go to the corresponding minor ones].


Warrior. Risk. Goals. Attack. Fight. Blood. Conquer. Anger. The own desire. Separation.


Lover. Attractive. Pleasure. Adorning. Cultivate. Retain. Attachment. Possessiveness. Feelings. Union. Harmony. Passive.


Messenger. Free thinking. Studies. Reason. Duality (words or the mind as heavy-weight forces or means for distraction). Trial and error. Connecting. Sells.


Mother. Darkness. Unconsciouss. Pregnancy. Birth. Emotions. Shaping. Memory.


Authority. Hierarchy (not equals). Main character. Ego. Celebration. Creating. Wealth. Being in charge of. Self-abstraction.


Medicine. Earth's products. Cleaning. Assistance. Daily life. Mental abstraction. Norms, schemes, designs and rules. Intellectual advantages. Calculation. Systems of thought.


Falling in love with. Flirting. Couple. Marriage. Family. Aesthetics. Cooperating. Balancing. Sharing. Promoting. Discussing.


Seduction. Domination. Induction. Occult sciences. Death. Self-destruction. Rebirth.


Religion. Ceremony. Guiding. Teaching. Pointing out. Taking into course. Purposes. Congregating. Fidelity. Good luck. Consciousness.


Wisdom. Loneliness. Enclosing. Time. Past. Maturing. Evaluation. Cold. Death. Responsibilities and obligations. Government. Hardness. Rupture.


Adventure. Unworry. The unexpected. Detachment. Informality. Equals. Going beyond barriers. Excitement and reaction. New scale. Discovering. Freedom. Elevating.


Unity. Beyond. Psychic communication. Transcending (what is personal, words, material situations, life). Ideals. Dream. Magic. Mysteries. Hoax.

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IV. Major arcana

Cards have no number. Boxes below are introduced in the classic order of the Zodiac. Place the mouse on them (on PC, or finger on mobile view) to read the main meanings.

Aries card (Mars) - Symbolon
Aries (Mars)

SubjectsAggression, enforcement, conquest, perpetrators, phallic power, a fresh start.MeaningThere's anger, and ability to take action is required. Recovering strength by taking action. A new beginning.

Taurus card (Venus) - Symbolon
Taurus (Venus)

SubjectsThe value of holding, sociability, physical attractiveness.MeaningGiving value to the own and developing it. Giving in and receiving pleasure. No need to change but reconsidering.

Gemini card (Mercury) - Symbolon
Gemini (Mercury)

SubjectsIntellect, contacting, actor, lightness.MeaningMissing Mercury's wings and most of his lightness. Looking at the situation and facing facts, from an objective and neutral point of view. Connecting the conscious and the unconscious.

Cancer card (Moon) - Symbolon
Cancer (Moon)

SubjectsFemininity, family, the little child, feelings, devotion, souls history.MeaningKnowing the inner child intuitively, and accepting it. All men and women holds within a feminine side. Feeling comfortable, like being at home.

Leo card (Sun) - Symbolon
Leo (Sun)

SubjectsPower, the will, glory, generator, creativity, sexuality.MeaningWhere vibes, power and life are. Meeting the own identity, the self and all of its expressions. Returning to strength and vitality, so a new day begins. Being the heart inside of matter.

Virgo card (Mercury) - Symbolon
Virgo (Mercury)

SubjectsReason, adaptation, rationality, humility, mind-set person.MeaningThe mind over feelings. A quiet understanding to fit in the circumstances.

Libra card (Venus) - Symbolon
Libra (Venus)

SubjectsOther people, relationship, compensation, Symbolon, mirror, supplement.MeaningLooking at other people and seeing a mirror where people look at themselves, too. Finding oneself in the others and bringing the own inner partners back into balance: dealing with and combining them.

Scorpio card (Pluto) - Symbolon
Scorpio (Pluto)

SubjectsThe devil, suicide, fanaticism, the Underworld.MeaningBeing in the devil's hands claws. A metamorphosis to take place. Fixed ideas.

Sagittarius card (Jupiter) - Symbolon
Sagittarius (Jupiter)

SubjectsPriest, missionary, therapist, worldview & philosophy.MeaningRemembering and understanding history as a foreigner would do, staying open and tolerant. Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, is like self-knowledge: the soul's treasure and wealth.

Capricorn card (Saturn) - Symbolon
Capricorn (Saturn)

SubjectsLegal order, responsibility, fate, the old man, death, the ruthless teacher.MeaningBecoming hardened and serious, armored dressed-like, while maturing and reaching your destiny.

Aquarius card (Uranus) - Symbolon
Aquarius (Uranus)

SubjectsConfinement, freedom, the outsider.MeaningFreedom as detachment. Reaching another position, place, situation. Unfolding wings and flying away from old situations.

Pisces card (Neptune) - Symbolon
Pisces (Neptune)

SubjectsThe truth, spark of light, wisdom, intuition, dream, illusion.MeaningContemplating within and looking for illusions. What is visible might not be true at first sight.

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V. Minor cards

Boxes below introduce cards in the classic order that planets are listed in ephemeris: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. About Uranus - Mars aspect, go to Mars' item. About Moon - Venus aspect, search for Moon's item.

Sun (Leo) & ...

... & Moon (Cancer): Incompatibility

SubjectsExpulsion from Paradise, the double, marriage, day and night, yin and yang.MeaningHusband and wife dont' understand each other. Two different minds and views cannot function together. Each person sees differently, and perspectives are not united.

.. & Mercury (Gemini): Actor

SubjectsSelf-role, borrowed identity, theater, intellectualize.MeaningBy playing a role, a mask hides the own identity. By playing a game, it may also be found out. The game is for not identifying with it.

... & Mercury (Virgo): Ailing king

SubjectsThe patient, joylessness, exhaustion, disease.MeaningDisease as a way to escape. A long time to wait, be patient, sense needs and endure daily small circumstances.

... & Venus (Taurus): Queen

SubjectsFemale power, splendor, usage of sensuality.MeaningDepending on the ego and achievements (they set values). The own position is a solitary one. Friendly ways and a loyal attitude may hide false modesty under outstanding clothes.

... & Venus (Libra): Wedding

SubjectsThe love, couple, climax, euphoria, happiness in a relationship, associated opposites, dependance.MeaningLoving oneself to later love other people and find a common road to walk together. Love is inside and outside.

... & Mars (Aries): Battle

SubjectsAggressiveness, power struggle, self-destruction, the own, shadow-boxer.MeaningEntangled in the own aggression. The worst enemy is oneself, who could be fought or not. Becoming aware of the own fighting skills.

... & Jupiter (Sagittarius): Fortuna

SubjectsHappiness, spiritual vastness, tolerance, searching for admiration, optimism, therapist, trust.MeaningNo need to worry about storing or supplying. Receiving from above and all around. Trusting that problems and troubles will be resolved, and happiness will be found again.

... & Saturn (Capricorn): Burden

SubjectsThe toil, consciousness, wearing of fate, ethics, guilt, responsibility.MeaningA lonely heavy-weight situation to look back and consider life works.

... & Uranus (Aquarius): Fall

SubjectsBetrayal, roll, turn, egoes, loss, infidelity.MeaningNot understanding the situation. Fooling a person. Dis-identifying.

... & Neptune (Pisces): Retreat

SubjectsLost ego, contemplating, the unremarkable, non-actioning.MeaningLife clashes disappear and there's nothing more to do about them. Giving away any trouble. Turning eyes blind to the outside and keeping vision to the inside. A richer existence out of ego dependances.

... & Pluto (Scorpio): Magician

SubjectsAttempt to create life, black and white magic, positive thinking, the perfectionist, gen technology.MeaningSomeone casted a spell on you. Mind expectations require a lot of energy.

Moon (Cancer) & ...

... & Mercury (Gemini): Articulation

SubjectsSpeaking about feelings, as a way to connect the mind with both body and heart.MeaningStaying at the surface for avoiding getting in contact with feelings. Setting free from emotional terrors by meeting them and and talking about them.

... & Mercury (Virgo): Caring

SubjectsPity, the guard, sorrow, problematic child, helper syndrome.MeaningSomeone is there to take care and feel compassion. A parent-child relationship where someone is worried and the other person is helpless. A process to take care of oneself.

... & Venus (Taurus): Two faces of Eve

Subjects.Role conflict, emotional ambivalence, two souls in a breast, wife and mistress.MeaningMaking a decision by facing two inner sides or characters (lover or mother). Both are distanced from each other.

... & Venus (Libra): Family

SubjectsA third element joining a couple, emotional connection in a relationship, composite, cohesion.MeaningA third party is involved. New life expands a relationship, nurtures and makes it grow. Something bigger comes to life, with a life of its own.

... & Mars (Aries): Battle

SubjectsThe destructive child, anger, hatred by the mother, rejection of feminity. MeaningFeelings of spite, rage and anger might be acted out, so coming into peace terms is resisted.

... & Jupiter (Sagittarius): Mnemosyne

SubjectsMemory, therapy, insights, truth, The Muses.MeaningA chance to be reminded of. Remembering is the solution for problems being over.

... & Saturn (Capricorn): Ice Queen

SubjectsTough, lonely child, strict mother, guilt, depression.MeaningSealing feelings after meeting the world's hardness. Petrified emotions take control.

... & Uranus (Aquarius): Birth

SubjectsEmotional detachment, farewell to childhood, freedom.MeaningThe Age of security is over. After a long-time development, a new phase begins to grow and develop one more time.

... & Neptune (Pisces): Beauty-Slumber

SubjectsDream, longing, the unborn, enchanted, intuition, waiting, forgetting.MeaningFeeling like home although no birth is yet. A guide taking to the world within, to invisible and deeper places where intuition leads to find wonders, different from those of the outer world.

... & Pluto (Scorpio): Abortion

SubjectsSacrifices, feminity, motherhood, emotional domination.MeaningDeepening into the most hidden shadows to be free from ideas and feelings related to nurturing relationships, power, life and death.

Mercury (Gemini) & ...

... & Mercury (Virgo): Strategist

SubjectsIntellectual person, control, tactics, science, mental state, the diplomat, causality.MeaningExtreme rationality. Mind regulation. Understanding of causes and effects in the world.

... & Venus (Taurus): Golden girl

SubjectsCinderella, female competitor, value, Pechmarie, the beauty and the ugly, cult to romanticism.MeaningSelf-esteem depending on comparison.

... & Venus (Libra): Vanity fair

SubjectsSeeing and being seen, a relationship as ego-enhancement, commonalities show.MeaningA hollow and superficial relationship driven by egoes.

... & Mars (Aries): Reserved words

SubjectsGossip, destructive words, libelling.MeaningBeing affected by words.

... & Jupiter (Sagittarius): Master & Disciple

SubjectsLearning and teaching, intellectual gap, eternal student, impostor, spiritual vagueness.MeaningIntellectual competition. Moments of no mental development and moments of knowledge. A creative flow as a fertilized country. A long river to travel although not reaching sea yet.

... & Saturn (Capricorn): Affliction

SubjectsDisability, poverty, clear thought.MeaningTough moves making light go off. Reviewing thoughts, actions and life circumstances in a more objective, patient and neutral way.

... & Uranus (Aquarius): Dreaming Johnny

SubjectsDream dancers, the handle for the stars, stumbling, Freudian failure, free thinker, big impacts produced by small causes.MeaningAltering the natural order of things. Hurrying up processes and skipping steps, so gaps emerge on the way. Beyond the normal logics.

... & Neptune (Pisces): Silence

SubjectsInvisibility, silence, preserving functions, no interest.MeaningMaking things simpler. Truths beyond matter, representations and words.

... & Pluto (Scorpio): Pied Piper

SubjectsOn the trap, suggestion, propaganda, art of persuasion, purchasing, advertising.MeaningBeing seduced by hollow promises. A rotte is held before the nose.

Mercury (Virgo) & ...

... & Venus (Taurus): Clinging

SubjectsStinginess, matter, insurance.MeaningMaterial possessions as a protective wall and prison. A fortress hidding anxiety.

... & Venus (Libra): Everyday life

SubjectsObligations in a relationship, the anyway, erosion, lack of incentive.MeaningCommon interests are gone in a relationship that is moving away from seasonal changes. Satisfaction and developments are at discrete levels.

... & Mars (Aries): Guilt

SubjectsUnintentional act, projection, the offender-victim relationship, guilt and innocence.MeaningReconsidering innocence after committing an aggressive act. Debts to accept.

... & Jupiter (Sagittarius): Inquisition

SubjectsInterrogation, intolerance, hypocresy, mental guilt.MeaningIntellectual ways to disregard other perspectives. Justifying an only and exclusive path to think, behave and judge. Getting more confidence by becoming intolerant. Tending to prove knowledge and innocence.

... & Saturn (Capricorn): Fear

SubjectsFear of life, death, darkness, being flexed, immutability.MeaningStuck on words and paralyzed, even as a way to not letting go. Blocked energy not allowing to make a step forwards.

... & Uranus (Aquarius): Furies

SubjectsSpirit of revenge, paranoia, madness, adding by getting even, strong turbulence.MeaningEscaping and running away from anger, punishment and guilt.

... & Neptune (Pisces): Deception

SubjectsFalsing the game, player's tricks, chaos.MeaningSelf-fraud and lies are unmasked. Life as chaotic, uncertain and unpredictable.

... & Pluto (Scorpio): Castigation

SubjectsSelf-punishment, compulsion to eliminate debts, flagellation, exorcism.MeaningAn ideal makes the person to keep silence and remain subordinated. It might be an obsession under the form of a spell, a witches circle or rituals creating energy fields. Ritual as a way to concentrate the energy or to forget about oneself.

Venus (Taurus) & ...

... & Venus (Libra): Golden Cage

SubjectsA relationship as a prison, jealousy, holding on and buying loyalty.MeaningPossessing and being possessed inside of a convenient and unchanging situation. Mutual fertilization and growth are possible if allowing more freedom.

... & Mars (Aries): Eros

SubjectsAttraction of sexes, sex, flirting, physical contact.MeaningMind and body connected in sexuality. Two people are connected by sharing their sexuality.

... & Jupiter (Sagittarius): Matter & Spirit

SubjectsRecovering the intellect, esoteric fashion and business, buying good fortune, the sect.MeaningExpecting for insights, understanding and values to come from the outer world.

... & Saturn (Capricorn): Responsibility for the Creation

SubjectsResponsibility for the world, cherish, what is right.MeaningFeeling good while being next to the creatures of the world.

... & Uranus (Aquarius): Farewell

SubjectsExile, misfits, travel, friendships going away (betrayal).MeaningLeaving safe conditions for development. Flowing with rhythms and leaving ties behind.

... & Neptune (Pisces): Garden of Spirits

SubjectsThe world behind the world, homeless, no roots, Cinderella, the intangible, everything as a parable.MeaningPassiveness and satisfacion in a world of dreams and appearances.

... & Pluto (Scorpio): Marionette

SubjectsBarbie doll, perfect appearance, obsessed with physical body.MeaningHanging on invisible images setting values and the ways to be introduced.

Venus (Libra) & ...

... & Mars (Aries): Disagreement

SubjectsBattle of sexes, breaking the Symbolon.MeaningA conflict in a relationship is not acknowledged. A seeming harmony hides the fear to confront. Ego issues make lose the chance of joining other people and sharing a common life.

... & Jupiter (Sagittarius): Symbolon

SubjectsRelationship, happiness in a partnership, marriage, the golden wedding.MeaningCommon fortune and lively intellectual growth. Happiness in meaningful relations to be discovered throughout time.

... & Saturn (Capricorn): Sadness

SubjectsAbandonment, loneliness inside of a relationship, grief work, separative forces, the widow.MeaningDepending on the partner's reactions and moods. Entanglements and blaming.

... & Uranus (Aquarius): Separation

SubjectsExemption, divorce, a leap from a relationship, farewell.MeaningA turnout position has been finished, and different ways are apart from each other. "We" becomes as much important as "I". Feeling wings to develop a relationship. A love project.

... & Neptune (Pisces): King's Two Children

SubjectsRomantic relationship, twin souls, the illusion of one Will, love dream.MeaningFalling into the own dreams' trap. Feeling what is missing and searching for it, in both sentimental and mystic senses.

... & Pluto (Scorpio): Disaster

SubjectsConcatenation, hell, magic connection, black wedding, sadism-masochism.MeaningKnowing the difference between the idea about a situation and experiencing that situation. It may feel like a kind of hell, since the person had in mind just a picture of it.

Mars (Aries) & ...

... & Jupiter (Sagittarius): Crusader

SubjectsDispute about faith, aggressive mission, fighting against dissidents, own convictions.MeaningResisting to know and those standing on different thoughts or points of view. Blind aggressions turning into thoughtful actions.

... & Saturn (Capricorn): Prevention

SubjectsEfforts in vain, blocking, fate, authority failure.MeaningCannot break the wall or go beyond limits. Stopping moving forwards as a way to find harmony and fluency.

... & Uranus (Aquarius): Troublemaker

SubjectsProblematic, constant bothering, irritating, trickster.MeaningBeing bothered or touched by other people's opinions. Setting free from them.

... & Neptune (Pisces): Absolute Fool

SubjectsFight against windmills, loser, innocence, sleeping warrior, heroism, Percival.MeaningA moment of low energy levels, not the best ones to move into the real world. No awards nor something to conquest or win out there.

... & Pluto (Scorpio): Vampire

SubjectsDeepening, rape, victim, the Undead.MeaningGiving the own energy to someone else. The own life handled by other people's intention. Stealing vitality for the own purposes.

Jupiter (Sagittarius) & ...

... & Saturn (Capricorn): Confession

SubjectsConfession, removing what is subjective, insight about destiny, a bridge between the subjective and the objective.MeaningBurdens are transformed, and the ego may be involved in the process.

... & Uranus (Aquarius): Quantic Leap

Subjects.Paradigm change, a leap into the unknown, liberation from dogmas, not-yet-known knowledge.MeaningDisoriented and not holding on to old schemes. A new start is necessary, like jumping out of old differences.

... & Neptune (Pisces): Pythia

SubjectsIntuition, oracle, Astrology, the deep sense of intimate.MeaningInside of an esoteric world of intuition, guessing and truth.

... & Pluto (Scorpio): Black Mass

SubjectsWorshiping idols, dogmas, unchanging opinion, positive thinking, fanatics, no doubts.MeaningPossessing the only truth. Dark side of life.

Saturn (Capricorn) & ...

... & Uranus (Aquarius): Captivity

SubjectsPressure, the thrown stone, tension, impending an explosion, blackmail.MeaningVoltage imprisoned and still growing although nothing can be done about it.

... & Neptune (Pisces): Moira

SubjectsReconciling with fate, wisdom, bitterness, powerlessness, maturity.MeaningSometimes, the path becomes hard. Some others, more compassive. In between, both characteristics are appreciated. Vision of struggles, costs and aims.

... & Pluto (Scorpio): Depression

SubjectsSticking, fossilization, Chamber of Lethe, oblivion, soul's dark side.MeaningRemembering by entering oblivion. There's a light at the end of a tunnel, of differente vibes, after a long time while structures were changed and new forms seemingly coming out of nowhere has been processed.

Uranus (Aquarius) & ...

... & Neptune (Pisces): Grail

SubjectsSalvation, eternal search, lost knowledge, the unconscious, archetypes, primordial searching.MeaningQuestions taking to wrong paths. Finding out there're no answers.

.... & Pluto (Scorpio): Phoenix

SubjectsMetamorphosis, birds feathering, downfall and resurrection, disorientation, changing skin.MeaningOutdated ideas and mental patterns will be left behind. Many situations will be no more. Past life will be gone. The mind is resolved and is freed from old circumstances.

Neptune (Pisces) & ...

... & Pluto (Scorpio): False Halo

SubjectsThe good and the evil, the idea of sky, fallen angel.MeaningIdols are shadows to be unmasked. They're next to light characteristics, so they both can be easily noticed and reconsidered as being part of the same. Shadow and light are definitory to each other: idols are not sacred.

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VI. Archetypes & Symbols

Carl Gustav Jung (1875 - 1961, Leo) was a Swiss psychoanalyst who worked with Sigmund Freud during his first years in the field. He later founded his own perspective on analytical psychology, by widening the concept of individual unconsciousness and introducing a collective dimension of it. He also conceived the concept of libido out of the sexual connotation that Freud had exclusively assigned to it.

The emphasis on the connection between individual psyche and cultural expressions made him to include concepts coming from Anthropology, Alchemy, Arts, Mythology, religions and Philosophy. Finally, he posed that the psyche is expressed at different levels: consciousness, personal unconsciousness and collective unconsciousness. The Ego is in consciousness, the psychic place where identity is found, also providing time-space awareness. Whereas individual unconsciousness is formed by both individual aspects as well as collective ones. The latter ones are those culturally inherited, from generation to generation, and work as universal psychic structures transmitting Humankind's psychological legacy.​

That psychological inheritance may be appreciated in individual experience and behaviour as archetypes. The psyche has a trascendental function when provides symbolic means for the unconsciouss to become conscious by active ways. Means may take the forms of myths, symbologies, dreams, speaking and some behaviour patterns. Any of those means may embody an archetype under the form of an event, a figure or a subject. But an universal archetype doesn't necessary function as a symbol to personal life: lived experiences makes a collective recognized archetype function or not as a symbol for personal development.

The process of individuation was another important concept in Jung's theory, and refers to the development of Self-being by working on collective archetypes and personal complexes. The Self-being is the principle that unifies the psyche, both personal and transpersonal, and embraces consciousness and unconsciousness. It's the place where developmental impulses come from, which will synthesize all of the just mentioned characteristics: development of individual - collective potentialities, and those of the Ego (consciousness) with what is repressed (personal - impersonal).

Jung also established pyschological types according to personality's dichotomic functions and attitudes: there are two basic attitudes (introversion - extroversion), two rational functions (thoughtful - sentimental) and other two irrational ones (intuition - sensitive). Functions and attitudes are combined and may create up to eight basic typologies composed by two opposite groups. For instance, an extroverted - sentimental personality is opposed to an introverted - thoughtful personality, and an extroverted - intuitive personality is opposed to an introverted - sensitive one.

Below, a table mentions some of the most usual archetypes. Beyond the use in analytical therapies, they're also considered for the design of trademarks' profiles, advertising campaigns and acting roles. That's why many times they've remained associated to genre stereotypes, and even confusing their possible function as a mean for synthesis, with identifications of a massive kind. In most of the people, when an evoked archetype functions as a symbol connecting the experience, it is due to a partial identification with some of its traits or several of them.

Most usual archetypes


  • birth
  • flirting
  • initiation
  • marriage
  • adultery
  • parents divorce
  • death
  • union of opposites


  • apocalypsis: end of the world
  • universal flood: related to the apocalypsis althought with a purifying and renewing component
  • creation: creator deity, primordial waters, cosmic egg
  • vengeance

Animals & Objets

  • fish
  • predators
  • serpents
  • water
  • sun


  • Great Mother: Earth, matriarchy
  • mother: fairy godmother, stepmother, inconditional love, emotional and physical care, compassion
  • maiden: virgen, innocence, purity, chastity
  • animus: male psychological tendencies in women (rational and creative role)
  • father: King, authority, protection, law, discipline, order, domination, productivity
  • wise old man or woman: knowledge, truth, morals, guide
  • little child: eternal child (Peter Pan), orphan (Oliver Twist)
  • anima: female psychological tendencies in men or femininity image (vague feelings and mood, perceiving the irrational, personal love, sensitivity to the natural, relation with unconsciousness)
  • shadow: representation of the entire personal unconciousness; unnoticed personal characteristics of the Self-being (no conscious identification); repressed thoughts, instincts and desires
  • trickster: elves, jester, magician, fool, intelligence or secret knowledge, ignoring rules for fun or the own benefit
  • heroe - heroine: warrior, braveness, strength, talent, arrogance, aggressiveness, competition, triumph of the Ego over regressive tendencies, freeing a mature person from the regressive desire to return to childhood
  • outlaw: rebelling against establishment, innovation, dismissing what is functionless or has become obsolete
  • creator: branding
  • helper: Aesculapius (Greek god of medicine)
  • lover: pleasure, sensuality
  • explorer: freedom
  • character: mask
  • enemy
  • devil
  • god - goddess
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Sources: Analytical Psychology (Wikipedia, removed webpage), Centro Jung de Buenos Aires, Carl Gustav Jung: función trascendente de la psique y arquetipos, Arquetipos y símbolos. Una perspectiva desde la Psicología Junguiana, Symsolon Software.
