Free readings

Free I Ching & Tarot readings in Tres Mancias

The offers are open and free, fortnightly, announced on Telegram. A new date every month for personalized I Ching & Tarot readings!

Free I Ching readings in Tres ManciasTake the Chance! It's a special oracle to look for advice, predictions and recommendations based on I Ching's accuracy and its flexible structure. The answers are useful to find the best inner state as well as to set a path for taking action in the outer world.

Free Tarot readings in Tres ManciasAsk the Oracle! Tarot readings are quite recommended to find descriptions, in-depth exploration of the unknown, and ignored tendencies. Fortune-telling tracks the invisible paths to the past, present and future. You'll find what you're looking for, and more...

Date and hour of the activities are announced on blogs, and remembered one week before on social accounts. On each occasion, I'm available online during 1 hour, and send answers to the first 2 people who:

  • subscribe to Telegram channel,
  • give a “Like” to the announcing chat and tell what they like the most about the oracle of the meeting.

I'll send the winners a private chat, so they can send me up to 3 questions.

The activities are offered monthly: Take the Chance! by the middle of the month, and Ask the Oracle! by the end. Stay connected to social accounts or subscribe to TM's newsletter to receive notices, news and benefits!

Ask freely whatever you want to know, about the past, present or future!