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personalized readings
I CHING € 292.- U$D 301.- ARS $ 101,000.-
5 questions to The Book of Changes
TAROT € 292.- U$D 301.- ARS $ 101,000.-
5 questions to Aquarian, Egyptian and Marseille Tarot cards
the most important events of each month in your email inbox
Month € 364.- U$D 378.- ARS $ 127,000.-
Discounts: 30% OFF 3 months € 772.- U$D 799.- ARS $ 267,800.-
40% OFF 6 months € 1.548.- U$D 1.640.- ARS $ 458,900.-
50% OFF 12 months € 2,204.- U$D 2,282.- ARS $ 765,000.-
VOCATION & LABORS € 698.- U$D 720.- ARS $ 243,100.-
birth chart on the subject + I Ching + Tarot (oracles are optional)
SYNASTRY € 770.- U$D 797.- ARS $ 267,800.-
two compared birth charts + I Ching + Tarot (oracles are optional)
KARMIC ASTROLOGY € 954.- U$D 963.- ARS $ 331,500.-
karmic birth chart
DEVELOPMENTAL ASTROLOGY € 954.- U$D 963.- ARS $ 331,500.-
birth chart + 3 esoteric charts
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY € 954.- U$D 963.- ARS $ 331,500.-
birth chart + 3 psychic stars
ANNUAL KARMIC CALENDAR € 2,067.- U$D 2,086.- ARS $ 702,000.-
astrological-esoteric guideline
online courses
full deck in 5 months Single € 1,691.- U$D 1,755.- ARS $ 586,300.-
Group (3-4 people). Single: € 845.- U$D 875.- ARS $ 292,500.-
BASIC ASTROLOGY € 1,800.- U$D 1,866.- ARS $ 625,300.-
3 months and a half; single
ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY € 1,434.- U$D 1,484.- ARS $ 497,000.-
6-week intensive practices; single with free program
KARMIC ASTROLOGY € 1,213.- U$D 1,257.- ARS $ 422,500.-
2 months; single
COMPLETE ASTROLOGY € 2,628.- U$D 2,722.- ARS $ 914,000.-
8 months; single