What are mancias and what are they used for?
They are means for fortune-telling, used to read invisible mental patterns that have remained, still remain and may keep on remaining unknown.
What are mental patterns?
They’re energies that cause any type of material manifestation. They circulate all the time everywhere and it’s possible to perceive them even before they’re visibly expressed.
How is energy read in Tres Mancias?
Coins, Tarot cards, and Astrology are used to translate the invisible, perceiving density and subtlety in mental patterns of the past, present, and probable futures.
Readings are made from a vital point of view. Interpretations describe the way energy goes through and is expressed in beings, things and situations by following esoteric pathways to flow, the way density, materiality, vitality and psychic energy change in concrete areas, the way magnetic interactions tend to happen between us.
Readings are esoteric too, that is, they refer to the structure, functions and mechanics of channels where vital energy circulates.
The perspective is also atheistic. Readings don't provide psychological support, childish approches on topics or formulas to reach happiness. They are real and true, to grow up and save time and energy in the affairs you are interested in, always considering your desires and intentions you mention when asking for a report.
The approach is evolutional too and provides the ways to develop consciousness and abilities, and promote vital integration.
Readings and courses are in charge of Julia Pérez Bustamante in Tres Mancias | I Ching, Tarot & Astrology Consultancy.
What is a reading asked for?
To inform us about the invisible causes in the past, present and in the probable future. There’s no topic or matter that cannot be answered with the three mentioned mancias and it will only be necessary to keep in mind that the more general the question is, the more abstract the answer is.
To know info and events such as they are in life itself, without hoaxes or illusions about the past, present or future.
To increase vitality as an experience of real contact with the environment and other people: it’s evolutional esoterism.
To assimilate esoteric truths as a way to grow up and develop: you will be practically handling vital energy, and many times what it is usually considered as adequated or convenient or smart just won’t be an adequate criteria to apply.
What does Tres Mancias not do?
Manipulating psychologically: guiding the evolution of personality, changing tendencies, controlling temperaments, indicating efforts, judging aptitudes, mixing philosophical valuations with interpretations, giving advice of a “therapeutic” kind.
Readings sending
Send the payment ticket to the email address you will be informed to. After it is received, Tres Mancias will send the request during the following ten (10) days. If asking for the Annual Karmic Calendar, send a request at least since 1½ month before.
The 10-day period may exceptionally be extended depending on demands. During those exceptions, Tres Mancias sends reports during the following twenty (20) days.
For more information about requests and sending, send a message here.
About courses
Lessons have a weekly frequency and a new one is only sent if exercises have been answered. The consultancy keeps high quality in the offers with a teaching based on the integration of concepts and a personalized follow-up all along the process. If there’s a delay in sending answers, the estimated time period of the course is extended based on that delay. Estimated periods are: 5 months for Esoteric Tarot, 3 ½ months for Basic Astrology, 2 months for Karmic Astrology, and 8 months for the comprehensive Astrology course in 3 phases.
If chosen learning esoteric Tarot in group mode, a new lesson will be sent to each group’s member only if all of the group’s members have answered to the weekly exercises.
To study Karmic Astrology, whoever registers defines whether or not they have the knowledge to understand basic symbols and meanings on a birth chart. It’s not requested to prove such knowledge with certificates.
In the Esoteric Astrology course, each student has the option of asking up to three questions per week. After each week, she/he again has the option of asking only up to three questions per week.
For more information about courses, contact here.
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Tres Mancias uses personal data to send requested readings as well as courses’ lessons, and updates/offers if you are subscribed to the newsletter.
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About Karmic Astrology
What is it?
It’s a type of astrological reading focused on causes and effects coming from the past, present and possible futures, by looking at materiality of actions.
What is karma and what to do with it?
Karma is action, and an action can be mostly a physical, emotional, or mental one. Each action is usually characterized by desires, and is focused according to intentions (conscious or not). Karma, then, is diluted by withdrawing desire to devitalize an action. Or we may simply observe it as unfolded in a periodic cycle during which latency will awaken, then will express itself, to finally decline.
Is karma something fixed?
No. Karma is incessantly transformed and we see it constantly: matter becomes subtle substance, is densified, depleted, recreated, destroyed… without formulas, without efforts and without a moral meaning to invent.
What about desire?
Desire is what vitalizes any action, provides strength to it, and completes it with emotional energy. It fixes actions wherever it is focused on, and this is what makes a difference between karmas. An action without desire is like an empty bowl (hence the importance of emptying the mind to free ourselves from karma).
How is karma observed?
Mancias readers observe it in gradients of energies’ concentration as well as in tendencies in motion. Density and subtlety are parameters to appreciate it: everything is karma and everything is transformed. The reading provides guidelines about the way to perceive our birth karmic expression. As long as your body remains alive, processes of cellular regeneration will be the way through which birth karma will still be expressed in tendencies and projections. You’ll be able to identify them clearly and you’ll also observe the way they’re transformed as living and exercising free will. The reports are made from an atheistic point of view, so you won’t find any reference or concept related to predefined and particular destinies, the presence of gifts and lessons to learn, obligations, tests or burdens, or even forcings, condemnations and prohibitions that would compromise personal consummation, or even sentences about “being called to…”. All of them are parameters derived from cultural valuations that turn karma into a kind of slavery mark.
What are the signifiers?
All of signs and planets on a birth chart are relevant for an astrological karmic reading. Each one of them has a specific function and visibility and, when considered altogether, make your life unique. Karma, perception’s development and free will go hand in hand and, in the karmic perspective, Moon and its nodes along with Mars and Saturn take the lead.
About Developmental Astrology
What is it?
It's a highly elaborated report made from an esoteric and reincarnationist perspective. As Tres Mancias' exclusive offer, it provides a specific approach to the matter, and a novel one if considered the range of classic offers in Astrology.
What is development in Astrology?
It's a group of phases unfolding different aspects of the Mind until they all come together during youth. It includes a series of vital crises or periodic recurrence of topics emerging in different life's areas. Those crises are followed by inexorable resolutions that, over time, create a kind of energy’s blocks which you live with and handle conscientiously.
What is a reading about?
It tells about your personality, the ways of your thought, the type of mental magnetism to attract and reject energy, and intention as being part of the human vital structure. These four aspects are considered as energetic forms fusioning to each other over time like a musical chord, being possible to make a historical journey of their integrations as developing magnetism, intention and transcendental consciousness during the adolescence period.
What are the signifiers?
Four natal charts are drawn and deduced from planetary rulerships mentioned in Esoteric Astrology by A. A. Bailey (Lucis Foundation). Charts are related to the pioneering activity of the Sun, Venus, Uranus and Pluto, astrological main characters on peaks of creation and destruction. The reading includes the astral chart as well as mental (esoteric), magnetic and ātman charts, all related to each other in a single and personal interpretation.
For whom can it be useful?
For people of all ages, and especially for children and adolescents who since early age express qualities and modalities spontaneously, without usual conditionings coming from massive educational parameters that constrain growing processes to forms coming from tradition, habits or customs.
About Free Will Astrology
What is it?
It's a highly elaborated report based on the construction and articulation of indicators from an esoteric and reincarnationist point of view. As Tres Mancias' exclusive offer, it provides a specific approach to the subject, and a novel one if considered the range of classic offers in Astrology.
What is a reading about?
A reading refers to the zodiacal qualities you tend to handle as you inexorably develop and transcend your karmic constitution. It indicates the characteristics of spontaneous reactions, and a list of hidden signs especially available to exercise your own will. This type of reading will surprise you! In traditional Astrology, you look at signs where planets are emplaced on. In Free Will Astrology, there’re very active signs even without planets on them! It's also a reading that will especially make it easier for you to modify karmic and developmental tendencies according to particular interests. It includes practical and concrete descriptions about the way to channel energy and give it the shape you want, as well as specific changes you should expect when deciding to intentionally apply those new shapes to your birth geometry.
What are the signifiers?
Zones of psychic experiences are symbolized in the five-pointed stars by taking into account some midpoints between planets and rising signs (solar and lunar ones). Midpoints are associated to the activity of etheric centres in the human body, each of them also associated to a planet at a phisiological level. Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune take the lead in this perspective and are the forces initiating etheric emission in the bodies of thought, magnetism, and intention.