A PC role game to find runes inside of a Sumerian and Northern mythological narration.
Created by Rebel Act Studios from Spain, Blade The Edge of Darkness is also known as Blade of Darkness and Severance Blade of Darkness. The first sketches were designed at the end of 1996 and, 5 years later, it was released as a game of action, fantasy, sorceress and adventures. Audiovisual effects were remarkable at that time, including puzzles, destroyable staging elements, and light / shadow effects in real time, which had never been seen before.
Somehow, it's also considered as the first of its kind, later inspiring other soulslike games such as Dark Souls or Demon's Souls. And twenty years later, in October 2021, it was released for the second time in a much lighter PC version (only 462 MG) by Steam and GOG, with rescaled textures, updated visualization options and support for panoramic screens and 4K, among other changes. Anyway, the game is basically the same as that of the original version: a dark scenario for tactical, paused and quite visceral combats demanding to display control and accuracy inside of compacted areas.
Some names and key elements of the game remind players of Nordic and Sumerian mythologies. The goal is to reach 6 Runes of Power. Each one of them holds a relief telling of a moment during the creation of Blade's universe. Letters belong to the ancient Nordic alphabet, the Saxon and the young alphabet, so some of them are associated to Nordic gods: Fehu and Freyja, Haegl and Thor, Algiz and Heimdall.
There are many other resonances! If interested, click here.
name | in the game... | echoes in... |
Ahura Mazda | creator of the Universe | entity manifested by light and fire, adored in Mazdeism (later in Zoroastrism) |
Angra Manyu | one of the sons of Ahura Mazda | Ahura Mazda's twin spirit (Mazdeism) |
Avestas | one of the groups of gods | language of some Zoroastrian written texts |
Asha | human queen | one of the seven entities emanating from Ahura Mazda, also known as Amesha Spenta (Zoroastrism) |
Spenta | Spenta Manyu is another son of Ahura Mazda, as the Prince of Light | Spenta Mainyu Gatha (ancient anthem in Avesta language and translated as "good spirit") |
Xshathra | the god who forged metals | Vohu Khshathra Gatha (translated as "good domain") |
Ianna | goddess daughter of Ahura Mazda | Inanna, goddess of love, war, passion, fertility, and prostitutes |
Ahura Mazda is the Lord. In the beginning, he created the Primigeneous Chaos, splitting appart Light from Darkness, and then emerging his sons, the Avestas gods.
One of his sons, Angra Manyu, is the Prince of Darkness, and tried to take his place. For his purpose, he created Aserat, the Lord of Chaos, who made great evil in the Universe.
Ahura Mazda along with one of his sons, Spenta Manyu or the Prince of Light, defeated Aserat, and peace was restored. Nevertheless, Ahura Mazda was disapointed about his creation and went to the Depths of the Universe. It is said he will come back only at the end of times.
Goddess Ianna populated the Earth with a big garden where humans appeared.
Angra Manyu (the Prince of Darkness) moved to the Earth with the Avestas. But peace didn't last too long and soon some gods were loyal to Ahura Mazda (the Avestas) and others were loyal to Angra Manyu (the Arcontes).
The Earth was about to be destroyed because of the fierce battle between gods, so Ianna cast a strong spell and expulsed them all. Since then, Ianna moved to the Moon and watches the nights from there, whereas Spenta Manyu moved to the Sun and watches humans from there. The rest of gods were disseminated across the Universe.
War of the Sword
But humans had to keep on fighting demons left by Angra Manyu.
Among thumans, a young heroe appeared, Eresh Kigal, who received the Sacred Sword from Ianna, becoming Blade, the Knight of Light. He commanded a great army of humans and dwarves, defeating the forces of evil although he died because of the injures received during the battle. He was buried along with his sword in the Temple of Ianna.
Then 6 Runes of Power emerged from the sword as well as 4 gems, which can be used to open the gates of the temple. Runes and gems were saved in secret places although they can be tracked if needed.
Evil comes back to Earth and the enemies attack. The runes are usually protected by mortal traps. Once gathered, players can free the Sacred Sword embedded in The Temple of Ianna, defeat Dal Gurak in the penultimate level, then access the final secret level The Abyss, and defeat Aserat (the Lord of Chaos) and evil for good.
Players may choose one of four different characters to start the game. The game begins in a specific context (level) depending on the chosen character. After the initial level, the game displays different locations such as desserts, castles, volcanoes and temples. Players explore tombs, frozen fortresses, demonic towers, face several enemies, solve puzzles, and have to avoid traps including fire, water, arrows, stones and other elements.
Each one of them are characterized by strong characteristics, weaknesses, abilities and particular fighting styles.
Naglfar is a dwarf coming from a mine town, an expert in the usage of heavy weapons and shields. When orcs moved forwards, he had to search for answers in a secret library in the city of Khazel Zalam.
Tukaram is a barbarian coming from the Northern steppes, an expert in handling greatswords, and travels to his ancestors home in The Valley of Kashgar.
Zoe is an Amazon from the External Kingdoms who entered the game looking for The Lost City of Marakamda, also being an agile spearwoman.
Sargon is the captain of the Knights of the King, holds within several balanced qualities (strength, resistance, defence and agility) and appears in the level The Fortress of Tabriz.
- Initial (according to the chosen character): Khazel Zalam, The Valley of Kashgar, The Lost City of Marakamda or The Fortress of Tabriz.
- The Mines of Mount Kelgeben
- The Fortress of Tell Hallaf
- The Tombs of Ephyra
- The Island of Karum
- The Fortress of Shalatuwar
- The Defile of Orlock
- The Fortress of Nemrut
- Oasis of Nejeb
- The Temple of Al-Farum
- The Forge of Xshathra
- The Temple of Ianna
- The Tower of Dal Gurak
- The Abyss (hidden level)
- In The Mines of Mount Kelbegen, players have to break a wood wall to enter a hidden pathway inside of a big stone structure. The structure is surrounded by acid, which quickly fills the room. The rune inside at the top is Othila.
- Othila is related to family, possessions, lands, legacies, genetic codes. It indicates wellfare, fortune, success, earns, prosperity and satisfaction, good luck and vital strength.

- In The Tombs of Ephyra, behind King Azud's tomb, is the rune Haegl (Hagalaz).
- Related to losses and hail when destroying harvests and producing times of need. It's also associated to Thor since it is believed hail comes from the stones thrown by the wheels of his carriage.

- In The Fortress of Tell-Halaf players find the rune Fehu (Feoh).
- It belongs to Earth element and is associated to wealthness, plenty, motherhood, fertility, honor and cattle. It also refers to goddess Freyja.

- In The Fortress of Nemrut is the rune YR of the Saxon alphabet.
- The meaning is not clear although is associated to weapons, war machines, or emblems carried as signs of war distinction.

- In The Oasis of Nejeb is the rune Algiz (Elhaz).
- Related to protection during battles, defense and god Heimdall, who watches the home of gods and the rainbow connecting to the world (Bifrost).

- In The Temple of Al-Farum players find the rune Yr of the young alphabet.
- It means yew (European tree), and is related to war, death, ends.

Find a game's demo to download and a version to buy on the editor's website SNEG. Creators: Rebel Act Studios (now in Digital Legends and MercurySteam). Development: Fire Falcom and General Arcade. Distribution: Codemasters.
Sources: This article has taken references and materials from Wikia Blade: The Edge of Darkness on FANDOM with license by Creative Commons, 3D Juegos,, Wikipedia.
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