An experiential, profound and surprising course. You just need basic astrological knowledge and commitment to constant practices. Remember: karma is now. Karma is past, present and future.
- Details:
- private meetings during 2 months
- specific characteristics and bases of the perspective
- karma as the starting point of any type of reading
- written reports (optional)
- atheistic & dynamic perspective
- differences with symbolic perspectives

Goals & Activities
- read your own birth chart and any other you like
- notice and describe different types of karmas, specific moments inside of cycles, tendencies and projections, while you meditate on time and free will
- perceive the wide range of possible deductions derived from converging / diverging signifier, doing it by yourself and without referring to bibliographies
- point what an astrological signifier says and what it doesn't say
- Intro to Karmic Astrology. Definitions, atheistic and vital approach, the whole and partialities.
- Karma in the solar system. Principles, substances, motion and densities, planetary effects of evolutional development.
- Birth karma. Moon, Moon’s nodes, pre and post-birth eclipses, birth lunar phase, karmic rulers.
- Karmic expressions. Elements of signs, natural interactions, transformations and transmutations.
- Reincarnation cycles. Definition, karma depletion: concept and signifiers, time: chronological readings and beyond-time readings, interpreting convergences and divergences.
- Karmic motion. Signifiers, effects derived from karmic expression, changes in birth karma and in the evolutional axis.