You just need to take and finish the basic Astrology course in Tres Mancias, and stay commited to constant practices.
- Details:
- intensive 6-week practices
- private free program
- fluent contact
- karma, elementals & magnetism
- development & consciousness
- psychic energy & free will
- closing video-chat (optional)

A free program allows...
- understanding the logics and including it in readings
- associating and integrating seemingly different topics, in a progressive way
- knowing the right way to search for the esoterics on a birth chart
- reaching esoteric deductions by starting from convergences / divergences of signifiers
- formulating interpretations to apply mental forms on psychic energies
What is a free program?
It’s a way to personalize the study according to your particular interests, questions and reflections. It’s not a standard program but one specially designed for you. Esoteric topics in Astrology are not assimilated by following guides or formulas but observing and practicing.
How do we learn in a free program?
Study and practice Astrology with Tres Mancias’ reading material you may ask for (free distribution here). During each 6-weeks intensive practices, you can pose up to three questions per week, always related to the course's subjects. I’ll answer your questions and will give you exercises and questions that you’ll have to answer in turn.
How to ask?
You need to have finished the basic Astrology course in the consultancy. This way you'll count on everything you need to advance into esoteric contents in Astrology. When you access the reading material, you'll find recommendations to study and practice. Tres Mancias offers a modality, a format. By practicing, observing and posing questions, you define the learning horizon!
Are these practices for you?
Be sure to know and accept the readings’ ethics in Tres Mancias. Read especially the FAQ.
What happens when a practice ends?
You'll have a lot of useful references to continue your studies by your own to keep on reaching comprehensive interpretations. You may also take new intensive practices as many times as you want, whenever you want! Your questions and reflections are the basis to offer you a personalized teaching.
When finishing, is there any certification?
Yes, as it is given in the basic Astrology course by Julia Pérez Bustamante, author of the book Astrology and fusions. The three Zodiacs. The esoteric perspective in the consultancy is based on freedom of thought, and doesn't depend on any type of organization or institution related to esoterism or Astrology.
- Planetary octaves. Rotational motion; regencies and exaltations.
- Application of mental energy. Mercury’s circuit; harmonic resonances; functional resonances.
- Etheric centres and planets. Etheric structure; esoteric planetary functions; vital principles.
- Planetary rulerships.Astral; mental or esoteric; magnetic or prototypical; ātman.
- Forms in matter. Quaternaries; tertiaries; processing polarities and antagonisms.
- Consciousness’ tones in Elemental Development. Astral; mental; magnetic; ātman; monadic.
- Karma, Development and Free will. Densification; sublimation; applying mental forms.
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