Currently, Tres Mancias distributes two newsletters: a public one, and another exclusive for subscribers. The release of the public one is announced every month on TM's social accounts, and includes the classic subjects and activities to join you always find in the consultancy's messages and articles.
The exclusive newsletter also delivers personalized contact, invitations to surveys & raffles, new offers, and great discounts to give a gift in special dates, to pass them on to other people, or to save them and use later (or even adding them to other discounts). The exclusive version also sends comments and meditations always providing more points of view to include in yours, with messages you won't find in any other of the networks distributing its contents.
Personal data is not tracked when receiving messages or interacting with emails' links. And you'll always find the option to unsubscribe at the bottom of every message. About confidentiality, you may read more in the frequent questions.
Just follow any of TM's social accounts: Medium, Tumblr, Substack, Telegram or Twitter. You'll be requested to mention the network when subscribing, as well as your username (to check if the account is a real one).