By Julia Pérez Bustamante. Available for email sending (.pdf).

Astrology and fusions. The three Zodiacs
2016 (184 pp)
Esoteric Astroloy book distributed online since 2021. About karma, development of consciousness, and free will across different tones of the Zodiac's expression. An esoteric-vital, atheistic and evolutional perspective in 20 chapters and 3 annexes.

Figures on planetary progressions
2017 (26 pp)
Complementary book to A & F, introducing planetary rulerships for a fourth area of zodiacal expression. It describes human development in Astrology by adding the ātman chart to readings.

Psychic stars
2023 (21 pp)
A very brief and easy astral reference for the usage and handling of psychic energy. Of a more esoteric than astrological significance, anyway it's a tool to know our birth chart better. It also makes it easier to choose the right time and period to take ahead different types of psychic activities: meditations, channeling, rituals and inductions by applying mental energy.