All of the series have been published online since 2018 and are available for email sending (.pdf). Some of them are also available on medium.com to read online.
Fortune-telling & Esoterism

About psychic perception, the use of magnetism, fortune-telling and forecasting with I Ching, Tarot and Astrology. Check the list of articles here.
Unmissable articles

Easy and advanced Astrology articles, including a wide range of topics: karma, development of consciousness, fortune-telling, esoterism, chakras, perception, free will, magnetism... Some articles are very simple, inviting to meditate on our motivations when asking for a reading. Other articles go deeper and are written for those actually reading birth charts. Check the list of articles here.
Nuclear hexagrams of I Ching
Opposite & contrary hexagrams of I Ching
Compared Tarot
Astrological Tarot

Consciousness is expanded during development, and the rising signs on esoteric Astrology charts show the way by following planetary paths. The series mentions generic developments of each rising sign along with specific Egyptian Tarot cards (Kier Ed.) associated to the process, since Tarot is a simplified Astrology system.
Solar and lunar karmas

When the Sun increases, Moon decreases. In the karmic dance of luminaries, the Sun transmutes and depletes karma. The series includes astral karma, transitional phases and the characteristics of the final transmutation for each sign. It's Alchemy to meditate and experience transformations from one natural element (Fire, Earth, Water, Air) towards the opposite nature: the declining of birth karma as a gradient.
Solar developments

As seasons pass by, the Mind is raised in different tones of consciousness, cyclically, as a fusion developing mental magnetism after 6 months, when the Sun goes in detriment (transiting the opposite sign). Every sign is related to other two specific signs and their rulers, in a sequence to synthesize complements, synchronize with the present time, and potentiate magnetism!
Karmic cycles
Psychic signs

Matter is expressed in different tones, some of them denser and others lighter. The series comprises 12 chapters, one per sign, also mentioning the equivalent psychic signs. And includes the way they are expressed during development, in free will, karma, and eventual involutional experiences. A series especially written for people over 21 years old.
Astrology & Karma

Basic concepts to observe and meditate on the solar system, different points of view to read karma, changes and cycles, differences between luminaries and planets, pre and post-birth vital motion, and transmutation of birth karma. It includes 11 articles with graphs, a quiz for self-evaluation, and answers. The series has been initially published on medium.com, and is still publicly available there.
Astrology & Esoterism

Notes to study and deepen into the Zodiac's tones and esoteric charts, developmental phases, fixed and freed energy, expansions of consciousness, the raising of psychic energy, the role of etheric centres and harmonic resonances of planets, and inductions with mental energy. A set of 11 articles, including graphs with descriptions, a quiz for self-evaluation and answers to check the understanding. The series has been initially published on medium.com, complements A & K, and is still publicly available there.
Astrology & Development

Basic notes about developing tones until the birth karmic cycle ends (28 years old). Concepts to relate the astral chart to the solar ones (mental, magnetic and ātman charts). It mentions the esoteric functions of the main planets forming matter and distilling vital energy as birth karma is depleted. It also includes references of development after Saturn's first return. Comprised by four articles of karmic and esoteric Astrology, it displays graphs and descriptions complementing the previous series, especially A & E.